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Subject[OT] Howto use ps/2 mouse and USB mouse in X at the same time, was UHCI/USB/PCI/interrupts
This is fairly off-topic but probably of interest to anyone who chose to read
this email:
Paul Ashton wrote:

> Well I can now report success on my Toshiba. gpm and X are successfully
> working with my USB mouse :) (however if I enable Zaxismapping for
> the wheel to work, I can no longer use the onboard mouse at the same
> time. oh well)

simple matter to handle but do note that i have to stay on 2.3.5 for my usb
stuff to work, above that (2.3.11 not tested yet), the usb stuff fails.

i have multiple external usb mice and a glidepoint by the keyboard.

from xf86 config,

Section "Pointer"
Protocol "ps/2"
Device "/dev/psaux"
Buttons 5

Section "Xinput"
SubSection "Mouse"
Port "/dev/USB mouse"
DeviceName "Logitech wheel"
Protocol "imps/2"
Device "/dev/USB mouse"
Buttons 5
ZAxisMapping 5 4
SubSection "Mouse"
Port "/dev/USB mouse"
DeviceName "Logitech wheel Core"
Protocol "imps/2"
Device "/dev/USB mouse"
Buttons 5
ZAxisMapping 5 4

there you have it, enjoy.

p.s. those two above are distictly different in a subtle way and they're both
necessary. the second contains "AlwaysCore" which allows it's events to be
mapped to the core pointer which happens to be my glidepoint.

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