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SubjectRe: [PATCH] vfat/rw for kernel 2.3.xx
I tried the patch (the 2.3.11 one), and it made me able to list directories on my
windoze partition, but when I tried to read from a file, I only got null in block
mode (vim), and nothing in char mode (cat) (The zeros in vim were probably
just unset memory). A sec after I tried to read from the fs, I got this kernel msg:

kernel BUG at ll_rw_blk: 392
invalid operand: 0000
CPU: 0
EIP: 0010:[<c0176fcc>]
EFLAGS: 00010282
there were some more register and stack info, but my whole VFS were messed
up at that point, so I weren't able to paste it into a file, so I just wrote some of
the stuff down on paper.

My computer is a genuine pentiumMMX- 166mhz. I use egcs-snap19990718,
and my kernel is a 2.3.11 patched with the devfs patch.

Karsten N. Strand

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