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    SubjectRe: GPF, Oops on system halt
    Hi Steve.

    >> After installing Redhat 6.0 on two brand-new workstations with
    >> identical hardware (single AMD K6-2 450, 6G HDD, 128 MB SDRAM,
    >> AOpen 100MHz AGP ATX motherboard), they both exhibited the same
    >> problem when shutting down the system to move them. Repeated
    >> tests under various BIOS settings have shown the same error.

    >> > The system is halted.
    >> > Stopping all md devices.
    >> > Power down.
    >> > general protection fault: f000
    >> > CPU: 0
    >> > EIP: 0050:[<000089c5>]
    >> > EFLAGS: 00010046

    > I'm guessing that it's a buggy BIOS APM implementation, as the
    > EIP value isn't in the kernel (I'm guessing it's in the BIOS, I
    > don't know much about these things); either that or we have
    > buggy power down code -- I suspect the former as I recall seeing
    > stuff on l-k about this before -- try a search of the archives.

    I'm wondering if the above is a processor-specific bug...

    I have two systems with IDENTICAL motherboards, hard drives, etc,
    which differ ONLY in the processor - one has an Intel P266, the other
    an AMD K6-2/350, and the latter is showing this problem where the
    former isn't - and the CMOS settings are identical in all other

    Don't ask me what's going on, but I have to suspect something here...

    Best wishes from Riley.

    | There is something frustrating about the quality and speed of Linux |
    | development, ie., the quality is too high and the speed is too high, |
    | in other words, I can implement this XXXX feature, but I bet someone |
    | else has already done so and is just about to release their patch. |

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