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SubjectRe: FS corruption... some help maybe??
Hi Joe.

> okay.. well then someone suggest me a good UPS with ALL of the
> following criteria:

> 1. Must work with both NT and Linux, in the event that I ever
> boot to NT again (rare but those damm word files make me do
> it) not reading then writing them..

That accounts for about 99% of the models out there...

> 2. Easy to configure under both Linux and NT

Linux: 1. Install UPS driver.
2. Edit /etc/inittab to add relevant lines.

Win9x: 1. Follow instructions from "Add new hardware" dialog.

WinNT: No idea so no comment.

> 3. 10 to 15 minutes reserve power .. my power just flashes
> occasionally, but has gone out for several hours

The usual specification is 20 minutes of reserve power, although
some more upmarket models specify 30 minutes.

> 4. if power goes out the system must know that power is gone
> and shut itself down (apmd? or some dameon)

Most UPS provide an 'on reserve power' signal, and the usual
configuration is for the assertion of that signal to cause the
computer to prepare for shutdown. Something like the following
being run when it gets asserted...

Q> shutdown -h -t 15 +15 'PowerFail: System Shutdown.'

...with the following if the said signal gets de-asserted during
that time...

Q> shutdown -c 'PowerBack: Shutdown cancelled.' make sure that the shutdown only completes if the power-out is
an extended one.

> 5. Must be SMP friendly (shouldn't make a difference)

It doesn't.

> 6. Around $100..

Not sure about dollars, but they're around UKP 130 - that translates
to around US $200 at current exchange rates, but all too often, that
translation does not apply.

Best wishes from Riley.

| There is something frustrating about the quality and speed of Linux |
| development, ie., the quality is too high and the speed is too high, |
| in other words, I can implement this XXXX feature, but I bet someone |
| else has already done so and is just about to release their patch. |

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