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SubjectRe: SPARCbook 3gx
> > Has anyone used linux on one of these laptops?
> I'm interested too, because I own one of these
> laptop and I messed up the pre-installed Solaris :-/

I don't care much for solaris... A friend has a sparc server 690 and
there's no vme support in solaris7. He wasn't happy.

> I'm waiting for a tranciever to rebote-boot the
> laptop and try Linux on it (this is to me the only
> solution to install something on it), but it seems
> that the hardware is very particular (on
> there's a note saying it's too particluar to be supported).

I thought it had a rj45 on the back of it?! My sparc10 board has one and

> It seems to have a one-only chip that control the SCSI
> interface and the ISDN and the "normal" modem and
> the parallel port (!), so I think it will be very difficult

My friend said linux would run on it, but the sound wouldn't work and linux
doesn't support the framebuffer, but some version of X does.

> to immediately use the sparc linux on this machine :-(

No cdrom? Ouch... My sparc booted just fine with debian's 2.1 cd.

> When I'll have the tranciever, I'll try to figure
> something. It's a nice laptop with a SCSI card
> and a removable SCSI disk.

I saw the scsi hdd.. Never seen a 2.5" scsi. This place that's selling off
their sparcbooks are giving a 170mb ata pcmcia card with it and a few other
things. The nice thing is it has a modem and a nic so you don't need any
pcmcia cards. Oh, I'm not sure if pcmcia supports this either.

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