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SubjectRe: PROBLEM: 2.2.5 unstable on Dell PC, 2.0.36 is stable

> > PS: It would be helpful for trying patches if redhat distributed their kernel
> > .config file -- there's a lot of questions these days, most of which are new
> > since I did any kernel work and I dont really have time for this.
> Its in the source rpm. There are actually 4 config files for x86 (+ the boot
> images) for the different kernel options

Well I've eventually managed to get something that boots, secret here is that
"Enable loadable module support" doesn't and you have to select the "Kernel
module loader" as well (this is non obvious), but there is nothing I can do to
make nfs work with this kernel -- the config just refuses to even offer me
"nfs server" and xconfig just shows it greyed-out so the rpc.nfsd just gets an
ENOSYS. (Any suggestions why 2.2.10 does not support nfs serving?????)

With no nfsd, these servers might as well be crashed.

Looks increasingly like I will have to backoff to redhat 5.2 on these machines.


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