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SubjectRe: 2.2.10 oops (finally, something I can report!)
Aaron Lehmann <> writes:

> OK, I disabled MTRR and coma bug workarround, and after about a day I got
> another oops. When the system was coming back up, it hard locked while
> checking the drives. I have gone back to 2.2.1 which I had a >60 day
> uptime on. If I still have any problems, I will assume it is a hardware
> problem (I apologize if it is).
> If anyone else has any patches to 2.2.10 which might fix the problems I
> have been having, I would be willing to give them a try.

Try the ac5-patch. I had several lockups when I first tried 2.2.10,
but after I tried this patch, they seem to have disappeared.

The lockups usually happened when I ripped or burned CDs. I never
reported them (or wrote down any oopses), because I upgraded my system
to Redhat 6 at the same time, and I wanted to make sure it wasn't
something with the new glibc that caused my lockups.

I also saw lockups with 2.2.9. Never tried 2.2.[678]. 2.2.5 and
earlier seemed pretty stable on my system.
Harald Arnesen, Apalløkkveien 23 A, N-0956 Oslo, Norway

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