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SubjectRe: network problems with 2.2.10-ac11
Hi Alan.

>> Probably, although it's not used. How come earlier kernels probed
>> the card fine though, with no difference in the hardware settings?

> It depends what options you compiled in.

Along the lines of...

Q> cd /usr/src
Q> bunzip2 < lka/4/2.2/linux-2.2.10.tar.gz | tar xv
Q> mv linux linux-2.2.10
Q> cp linux-2.2.8/.config linux/2.2.10
Q> cd linux-2.2.10
Q> make oldconfig
Q> make dep clean modules modules_install bzImage

For reference, /usr/src/lka is a symlink to ~ftp/lka and the latter is
where I keep my masters of the Linux Kernel Archives cd's with all the
kernel tarballs in, plus your prepatches where I have them.

Note also that /usr/src/linux normally doesn't exist on my system.

>> I can also add that if I specify "ether=9,0x360,eth0" to LILO
>> then the card is detected fine, and works fine.

> That tells the kernel "I have a clue, ignore all the safety
> checks". Thats a unix versus windows philsophy difference. If
> you say so you win..

Nodz - that makes sense...

>> address was originally set using some DOS-based program, but that
>> didn't come with the cards, so I'm basically stuck with whatever
>> they were last set to...

> winbond ?

No idea - the only labels on the cards are printed on the chips
themselves, no serial numbers, model numbers, nothing like that. When
I got them, the important thing was that they worked with Linux, and
I took several models back because they didn't before settling on the
ones that did...

Just a thought, but do the ne2k ethernet cards actually need the full
32 io ports, or do they use less? If the latter, presumably the above
could be tweaked such that they only get allocated 0x360 to 0x377 in
this case, thus not clashing with the printer port?

Best wishes from Riley.

| There is something frustrating about the quality and speed of Linux |
| development, ie., the quality is too high and the speed is too high, |
| in other words, I can implement this XXXX feature, but I bet someone |
| else has already done so and is just about to release their patch. |

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