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SubjectRe: 2.2.5-15 aic7xxx problem?
> No, but it renders bug reports about them pretty much useless on _this_
> _list_. Bug reports for the official Linus trees and maybe Alan's tree are

Why ? I've got Red Hat and SuSE trees here for these specific reasons

> questions for those kernels should go to the vendors; the vendors can then
> report issues here if they discover them to be in the official tree as well.

And 50% of messages get mangled or lost or passed down a chain of chinese

A _lot_ of people run vendor kernels. All the major vendor kernels are
useful debugging points. All of them ship handy files too.

> It's derived from the code that Linus makes available and has dubbed 'Linux',
> yes. Can you imagine 'phoning up a car manufacturer and complaining about
> some problem with the engine, and then adding "of course, I've customised it
> myself quite extensively.."?

Since when has this been a manufacturers list ?

> I think so; there was a remark in one of Linus' posts a few days ago that
> suggested Alan was dealing with 2.2.x patches; it makes sense, really: he
> works for one of the biggest distribution vendors, so he's presumably going
> to see a lot of bug reports.

The fact I work for Red Hat, and the fact I'm working on 2.2.11 stuff
are two unrelated items as when I looked after 2.0.3x


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