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SubjectRe: New kernel/resource.c

On Fri, 16 Jul 1999, Jonathan Walther wrote:
> You are right. Thanks for your patience. I cast my vote for "pcbus"
> instead of "pci". Love the resource concept.

"pcbus" would certainly fit my requirement for being specific enough, and
it's probably non-specific enough that others wouldn't jump up and down
too much.

However, at the same time it doesn't actually "say" much to me either.
"ioport_resource" is fairly descriptive: the thing it guards are actually
commonly called "IO ports". Compared to that "pcbus_io_resource" is too
bland, and while it's logical it doesn't tell people who are used to the
terminology exactly what's up.

So I've already set my heart on "ioport". I don't know about "iomem",
though: nobody calls memory-mapped accesses "IO memory" accesses. "PCI
memory" actually describes at least to me exactly what it's all about,
which is why I liked "pci_mem_resource". "pcbus_mem" lacks that mental
image for me.

Oh, well. It's just a name. Or two, actually.


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