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SubjectRe: New kernel/resource.c
Linus Torvalds wrote:
> > as the "iomem" (commonly known as main memory) regions that it would
> > handle, leaving the 640k-1M region free for real IOmem? Wouldn't the
> > vmalloc be supposed to grab:
> >
> > 0x04800000 - 0x08800000 ?
> No, ioremap() (which is what I assume you're talking about, rather than
> vmalloc())

No, I was talking about vmalloc. Thinking about it some more, I think
I was confusing virtual and physical adressing space. You're only
talking about the physical adressing space. Now, virtual adressing space
is also a scarce resource.

So, would it make sense to also put the virtual adressing space in a
resource tree? That's where my example belongs.

Kernel virtual adressing space:
0x00000000 - 0xc0000000 Current user process.
0xc0000000 - 0xc00a0000 main memory, below 640k
0xc00a0000 - 0xc0100000 ISA io memory.
0xc0100000 - 0xc4000000 main memory, above 1Mb (*)
0xc4800000 - 0xc8800000 available for ioremap and vmalloc. (*)

This picture would change if you configure for 2G RAM.

If you're saying that ioremap doesn't currently have a "caller-name"
argument, I agree. But with a few macro tricks, it is easy to solve
this in a source-level compatible way.

#define ioremap(p,l) nioremap(__FILE__, (p), (l))

(n for new or named- )

nioremap would then allocate the region from all the appropriate
resource (sub-)trees.

> should not actually grab the region. One reason for that is
> that ioremap() doesn't even know who it grabs it for, another reason is
> that it's actually not illegal to have multiple mappings to the same
> object.

Ok, you're talking about the "physical" end of the mapping. I was
thinking about the virtual end of the mapping.

> Note that "real memory" is actually "io memory" when seen by any PCI bus
> master device. So "real" is in the eyes of the beholder ;)

Very true ;)


(*) Numbers valid for a 64Mb machine.

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