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SubjectRE: Amiga and Linux, again

On Fri, 16 Jul 1999, Lou Grinzo wrote:

> The "hardware assist for Linux kernel" line that I mentioned isn't so
> easily explained away.
> Does anyone here know what this "hardware assist" is?

One word: marketdroids. You are looking for technical information in the
text written by marketing department. Would you trust the technical
accuracy of {IBM|DEC|Univac|GE} brochure describing the product yet to
be released? Especially if it's ridden with words a-la "revolutionary".

Hardware assist? Well, flat address space, paging, two protection rings,
separate bits for read/write/exec permissions on pages, sane bootprom,
preferably decent way to check for devices, port of gcc, yodda, yodda -
same as for any other UNIX.

Again, they are talking about unspecified new processor from unspecified
vendor. With unspecified properties. Under NDAs. What kind of technical
information *can* they give, considering the last detail? Let's wait until
they will let their technical folks speak about the thing. All they are
giving now is brochureware. There is nothing wrong with it, just don't
mistake it for something else.

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