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    SubjectRe: linux headers and C++
    Steve Dodd <> writes:

    [C++ templates]
    > Definitely bloat generating. Each time you use a template with a different
    > type, the compiler has to effectively make a new class, complete with all
    > code, for that type. That's a pretty good definition of bloat IMHO.

    If they are bloat generating, then they are not being used correctly.

    C++ templates, correctly used, are, eg, a type-enforcement system for
    untyped containers; that is, you have a class that implements, say, a
    list, in terms of void pointers; then you implement an almost empty
    template on top of that that *privately* inherits from the untyped list,
    and reimplements its accessors in terms of typesafe casts to the untyped
    list accessors.

    This works, and has zero bloat; in fact it is *more* compact than the
    analogous magic-number-based implementation in C, relying instead upon
    the RTTI structures already generated by the compiler.

    So please stop saying templates are bloated. They *are* easy to produce
    bloated stuff in, and could probably be faulted for that; but they are
    *not* intrinsically bloat creators. It is perfectly possible (and easy)
    to produce non-bloating, typesafe stuff with templates.

    (Also, look at Blitz++. Then try to reimplement *that* in C, or in
    templateless C++. Of course, strictly speaking what Blitz++ does is
    an abuse of the template system, and the code is quite ugly...)

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