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SubjectRe: Standard for module delivery
On Thu, 1 Jul 1999, Stephen Williams wrote:

> It's not like we are trying to hide the source. On the contrary, we
> GPL the driver code and some of it has even been seen on this very list.
> However, I still want to make a binary RPM that a customer can download
> (or a src rpm) and have the customer reasonably expect to be able to
> install that driver module.

Just curious, why not have it included in the mainstream kernel?

As for your questions, how does RedHat do it? I've used RedHat,
and IIRC have had a 'make modules_install' work and install things into
/lib/modules/`uname -r`/*, and everything was happy. Kernel headers and
such are kind of a pain though, you could be like (I think) the PCMCIA
package and have it ask in an install proggie where the kernel source is..


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