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SubjectRe: Do not use stock RedHat 6.0 kernels with SMBFS!

Alan Cox enscribed thusly:
> > This problem may also have been present with the SMBFS module
> > and smbmount program from the 2.0 kernels. Since I do not maintain
> > that version of smbmount, I'm unaware if the problem existed in those
> > earlier versions or not.

> As far as I am aware Red Hat, and most of the other vendors ship with the
> win95 work around enabled as that (at least was) the normal platform, and
> crashing win95 boxes would give Linux a bad name, even if it wasnt Linux
> fault.

> The real big problem is that the WIN95 workaround isnt a mount option. Or
> better yet autodetected.

One other point about this... While there is a mount option (ugly),
the mount option is totally inoperative when the compile option is enabled
(yes, I had a slight typo in my previous message where I said enabled
twice). Even IF I put the code into smbmount to autodetect the Windows 95
connections (which I want to do), the user space program can not override
that compile option if it's enabled. If the compile option is disabled, I
can set or clear that "feature" on a mount-by-mount, connection-by-connection,
basis. As long as that option is enabled in the build, I'm screwed. I
can't do anything from user space to correct the problem.

> Alan

Michael H. Warfield | (770) 985-6132 |
(The Mad Wizard) | (770) 925-8248 |
NIC whois: MHW9 | An optimist believes we live in the best of all
PGP Key: 0xDF1DD471 | possible worlds. A pessimist is sure of it!

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