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    SubjectProfanity in the Linux Kernel?!?!?

    Good Evenin',

    I probably don't really have the right to say the following, because I
    don't contribute to the linux kernel. But I am going to say it
    anyways :)

    I hope that I do not offend too many people.

    cd /usr/src/linux ; grep -i fuck `find . -name '*.[ch]'`

    It seems to me that if you are trying to make an OS that is going to be
    used by the masses you would try and present yourselves as best as
    possible. Using profanity to document your code doesn't seem all that
    appealing to me, but I don't know about others.

    Is it really necessary? Someone could easily put "messed up" in place
    of it.

    Anyways, I guess it is up to you guys whether you would like that stuff in
    there. I just wasn't sure how many of you knew how many times it was
    in there..


    P.S. Please CC to me, since I am not subscribed to this list (I tried
    it last night, but after getting 170 messages over night I decided it
    was too much)

    P.S.S. BTW, I don't go looking for this type of thing. It is just
    that I heard about it in an IRC channel so I checked it out.

    P.S.S. It would be kind of interesting to see how many times that word
    is used in some of the code that comes out of Redmond eh? But there is
    a difference, no one sees theirs (that doesnt make it right though).

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