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SubjectRe: Preparations for ZD's upcoming Apache/Linux benchmark
On Tue, 8 Jun 1999, Ricardo Galli Granada wrote:

> The communication among the khttpd and userland apache servers can be done
> as usual in Apache 1.3.x, through shared memory.

What about servers other than Apache? Apache has its own, and very
inefficient for a lot of cases, architecture, so if "fallback" mechanism
will be polluted with apachisms, the progress in the development of other
HTTP server models (including future development of Apache itself) will
be limited bu this decision.

OTOH, I can't see why it's impossible to do it completely transparent
for the userspace server -- if request is recognized as not usable for the
in-kernel processing, HTTP server just receives it like if nothing
happened. And, in more "advanced" model, userspace process can do some
"special" shutdown/close operation on its socket, transferring further
control over it to the in-kernel server (but then future accept() will be
able to receive the same TCP connection again, and it will look like
different fd).


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