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SubjectRe: R: How does Linux work?
On Tue, 8 Jun 1999, Marco Ermini wrote:
> > -- Linux coders are not comparable to the monkeys working in Redmond.
> > Their code does not fail.
> It fails. The difference is that developers admit it. And fix it.
> "Every software has bugs" (Linus).
> > -- In NT 4, not only are the video drivers in kernel space, but so is
> > the windowing system.
> And soon, in NT5, IIS too (!). NT4 have a new scheduler
And soon, in Linux, khttpd too (!).

> algorithm, which have a pseudo real-time options, which
> could cause processes to lock up the machine (actually,
> changing a process to real-time will cause NT to lock up
> until the process ends... ugh!)

This is false. I'm not an NT fan, but its rt scheduling algorithms
are similar to Linux. There is a range of priorities that use an
adaptive scheduling algorithm for time-sharing, like linux, and
then a set of priorities higher than that used for real-time scheduling
(like setting your scheduler type to RR of FIFO in Linux). This is all
confused by a set of "priority classes", and some weird scheduling
policies for idle processes, but is not particularly unusual beyond

> Bye


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