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SubjectRe: network traffic doesn't balence well on recent kernels
Jeff Millar wrote:
> When using the internet with late v2.2 and recent v2.3 kernels, the
> first process to get the link seems to hog the bandwidth. My
> configuration consists of a P2-266 running RH5.2 with many upgrades plus
> a router/dialer running on a 486/66 and stock RH5.2. This doensn't
> happen with W98 using the router. For example, right now I have two
> download goings. The first started at 2.2K per second...about what my
> phone line will allow. The second took three tries to start (timeouts
> at the ftp site) and then started very slowly. After about 5 minutes,
> the first connection now reports 1.9K and the second reports
> 800....they're slowly drifting to equality. In general, once a download
> starts, interactive use via a browser window gets very, very sluggish.
> Have I missed something on the this mail list about network tuning???
> Reviewing config options didn't turn up anything unusual or changed
> recently. QoS isn't selected, Not optimizing as router.

I've noticed this for a long time on my ppp connections. The first ftp
transfer to get started hogs the bandwidth and subsequent ones get very
little but very gradually improve. I would much rather have it the
other way around so that what I am doing *right now* in the forground is
fast and big ftp transfers get low priority. I really meant to ask
about this a long time ago, but am just now getting around to it. BTW,
does the reciever's tcp/ip stack have control over the priority of
different connections or is that a sender thing only?


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