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SubjectRe: linux 2.x kernel lp.c and parport.c bug
> Greetings!
> I have been working with Xerox to identify a bug in the parallel port
> code that appears to affect high-end laser printers. Basically, the
> behavior is this:
> when using manual feed with a limited time-out, the printer crashes with
> either an illegal instruction or a reboot after two or three jobs.
> There is also a possibly related problem with extremely slow print jobs,
> but this one is not easily reproducible.
> We have tracked this down to a linux 2.x kernel problem. The problem
> has been reproduced by Xerox on their color laser printers and also on a
> Lexmark printer. It only appears with linux 2.x kernels; WinNT does not
> exhibit this behavior. We have only tested this using a RH 5.2 and 6.0
> system, but as the lp code is part of the kernel, it should affect all
> distros.
> This problem is reproducible across machines; Xerox has consistently
> been able to reproduce it on two desktops and one laptop.
> I understand that you may not be the right person to whom I should be
> reporting this bug. Please let me know the proper channels to report
> this bug.
> Thanks,
> Yan Seiner

Do you have model numbers on the printers?

I'm just it a networked printer? You may try that...

If something is being done wrong with the port, the printer should
just stop accepting data...I assume "illegal instruction" is a kernel

I've also seen the recommendation of "using write to file" from a NT driver,
then looking at the generated output...remember, it is not IDENTICAL to what
comes out of a driver speaking to a device (if the "write to file" makes the
problem occur, great, but not necessarily...)

(BTW, I work for xerox (on the docucentre printers)) [I did the LPD, netbios,
and lots of the parallel code].

Marty Leisner

The Feynman problem solving Algorithm
1) Write down the problem
2) Think real hard
3) Write down the answer
Murray Gell-mann in the NY Times

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