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SubjectRe: XFS and journalling filesystems
From said:
> Most embedded systems use 4 or 8Mb. The price differential between 4
> and 8Mb by the time it hits the customer is noticable.

We have found (much to our annoyance) that as time marches on, smaller
memory chips start costing more then the larger chips and pretty soon
cannot be purchased at any price. We recently doubled the memory capacity
of an image processing board we produce, and the parts cost is *less* for
the ram itself. Damn frustrating, because we had to do a new PC layout that
we otherwise didn't need to do. (Labor and tooling costs. Yuck.)

PC memory modules seem to behave (price wise) differently. I have no
idea why. (Well, I might guess...)
Steve Williams "The woods are lovely, dark and deep. But I have promises to keep, and lines to code before I sleep, And lines to code before I sleep."

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