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SubjectRe: 2.3 wish: integrate pcmcia into mainstream kernel

On Thu, 3 Jun 1999, Alan Cox wrote:
> > Oh, and how do they install on the Sony VAIO, for example?
> > Hint: they don't. And PnP isn't the issue, never has been.
> Some of it is. The hard questions being
> "What irq is really free"
> "What dma is really free"
> "Give me some physical address space that isnt used"
> 1 & 2 you can kind of work around. #3 is a pain. Its also one that needs
> to be addressed for the 3D work (AGP GART) and for some I2O devices.

I agree that #2 and #3 is needed, although I disagree about it being a
major pain. It's just that nobody ever wrote anything I found acceptable
(all the patches I ever saw thought they should re-create the broken MS
documentation about PnP).

#1 should be a non-issue these days, and in fact works already (and ISA
stuff should just use exclusive irq's, and then request_irq() will give
you the information - and if you are sane and don't need exclusive
interrupts the whole issue is moot anyway).


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