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SubjectIf we cannot trim subject lines, then we end up with a truly horrendous monster like this one, which I think is a suffiently serious problem that we should form a standing committee to evaluate proceedures for addressing this problem (was Re: If we canno
Hans Reiser writes:
> Bill Gates makes an interesting argument that his centralized control
> makes it possible for Microsoft to innovate with a boldness that Linux
> cannot, because he can order the whole system to change to accomodate a
> new idea, and it will.
> I see you as trying to prove him right.

I don't think M$ is a useful comparison to make.
For M$, innovate == bloat and bad design.

> As for NFS, if it's broken, let's fix it. And if the vendors on the
> NFS standards committee use their leverage to delay support until
> their filesystems catch up, then ignore the standards committee or
> obsolete NFS.

If you've got a problem with NFS, try Coda instead. Perhaps that
addresses many of your concerns.

> I am sorry Stephen, but you keep harping on the cost of change, I
> keep harping on the benefit of change, and we will never convince
> each other. It isn't a logical thing.

Firstly, there are legitimate questions about *where* these changes
should be made. Perhaps they are best left to a library.

Secondly, we haven't seen a convincining argument as to why putting a
FS into a file provides a significant benefit.

What are the tangible benefits of the interface changes you're
proposing? Where does the need come from?



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