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SubjectRe: The stability crisis

On Tue, 29 Jun 1999, Aaron Lehmann wrote:

> The machine is a Cyrix 6x86MX (no SMP) running RedHat 5.1 with most of the
> packages at either 5.2 or 6.0 versions. MTRR is enabled in the kernel but
> I haven't used it for anything yet so I would assume that it is not
> causing problems. I don't run X. No quotas.

I had a machine with a cyrix 6x86 pr200+ in it. I could barely get a week
uptime out of it without it crashing on 2.2.x kernels. However, the
crashes occured in a pretty regular pattern. It happened during periods
where the cpu had been been hammered on for several hours (0.50 load or
above). The cyrix 6x86 series have a real problem with overheating. The
set6x86 program is supposed to help keep the heat down, but when the load
is high it does absolutely no good. I finally decided to just spend $50
and replace it with a 233 pentium MMX chip. Same hardware (other than
cpu) , same kernel, haven't had a glitch in well over two weeks. Before
assuming its kernel code, I'd check to make sure your processor isn't
overheating. Put plenty of cpu grease between sink and processor, make
sure its making good contact, etc.

> [aaronl@vitelus aaronl]$ gcc --version
> egcs-2.91.66

You should probably be using gcc- .

-Donald Thompson

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