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SubjectRe: WevDAV anyone?
In <> Christian Scholz ( wrote:
CS> Hi!

>> It will not help. Talk is about usage of WebDAV like NFS or CODA: ability to
>> mount web-server with DAV extensions, etc. I'm not sure if it's REALLY belond
>> to server. May be GNOME libvfs and KDE what-the-name-of-such-lib-there is better
>> place: HTTP (with or without DAV) is hardly useful as replacement for NFS or
>> CODA.

CS> I don't see it as replacement. But my experience is that not many people
CS> will open their web servers for NFS or CODA access. DAV might be a different
CS> thing as it's meant as replacement for the Frontpage Server Extensions.

Yes, it's replacement for the Frontpage Server Extensions not for network
filesystems. How you'll handle mmap with DAV & HTTP (typical file operation;
grep uses it) ? Or just random access ? Something like Berkeley DB 1.x ?
If you'll not implement this then a lot of program will not work anyway so
you'll not got much benefits over libvfs solution...

CS> Thus web page editing or editing of any other files (images, flash, etc.)
CS> on a web server would be easier if done via this protocol.

Then use some application with support for HTTP and WebDAV :-) ftpfs is not
much harder but even if ftp exists for quite a few years we do not have
working ftpfs in kernel. So I'm pessimistic here.

CS> The disadvantage with GNOME or KDE would be again that it's then
CS> not available for every program.

But it's doable and I'm [almost] sure that it will be done. Filesystem solution
on other hand is REALLY hard to do. We do not have robust smbfs let alone davfs.
But you can try to implement it (if you crazy enough) of course ...

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