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SubjectRe: Linux versioning scheme
On Tue, 22 Jun 1999, Michael H. Warfield wrote:

> I knew it when I saw the first message that this was going to
>become one of THOSE threads from hell that won't die, even if they don't
>amount to a hill of beans... One of those religious type topics where
>everyone has an opinion on...

Holy over-reaction batman. I don't see this getting to that
point at all. It's pretty much cut and dried regardless.
Nobody's opinion is going to make even the smallest 1/100000000
of an ounce of difference to Linus's existing release method
anyways, so discussing it beyond the current level is moot.

> Ok... My contribution to the noise..

And insurance that such a thread does take place?

>> > Stable -- No serious bug reported in the past x days
>> 2.2.z
> I vote for four levels!
> /4 - Production --- Comfortable woobie (security blanket)
> /4+1 - Beta --- Adventerous and/or recently released from asylums
> /4+2 - Development --- Bleeding edge masochists
> /4+3 - Dearly Beloved We are Gathered Here --- Go for the gusto.
> Ok, ok... A joke already... Don't hit me! :-)


> Having helped with the 2.1.12x "flue" and the recent 2.2.8 fiasco,
>I know the feeling of that last category...
> I think the current system has served us well enough that others
>have been following the example. Whether one person or another thinks
>it can be "improved", it still works.

Right, and it is highly unlikely to change.

> First law of engineering: If it ain't broke - DON'T FIX IT!
> It ain't broke, so don't fix it!

I agree completely.

>> You haven't said anything that can't allready be done IMHO.
>> Perhaps you weren't aware of the 'pre' releases or where to get
>> them. We also have the 'ac' patches, as well as 'arca'
>> releases...
> I agree. Two branches with "pre", and "-ac", and "-az" et al...
>patches seem to work incredibly well. Leave it alone!

Unless we get something like -ac+az+arca.gz... ;o)

Mike A. Harris Linux advocate GNU advocate
Computer Consultant Open Source advocate

Tea, Earl Grey, Hot...

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