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SubjectRe: UUIDs (and devfs and major/minor numbers)

On Mon, 21 Jun 1999, Paul Jakma wrote:

> > devfs uses the hardware address, which works for me...
> But that means if you change order of how disks plug into a scsi bus,
> or you move a disk from one to another bus, names change. That's ok for
> you?
> that's not a devfs issue. Linux currently doesn't any mechanism for
> attaching labels to volumes, which imo would be the cleanest way. what
> devfs (or rather the kernel) can currently provide, physical locations,
> is a damm sight better than the old way, order of detection.
Exactly. Why criticize devfs for not solving a problem that
the current system CANNOT solve?
At least with devfs you have to reach farther to find a problem.

There are problems with the current system that _are_ solved by
devfs. I have yet to see or hear of a solution to all of these
problems that has _any_ running code attached to it.

Daniel Taylor

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