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SubjectRe: Journaling filesystem in the kernel
Date (Michael B. Trausch) writes:
> Every so often, at an unpredictable rate, the system will completely
> *HALT*. Cold freeze. It does this under DOS too, and there are no
> hardware comflicts, so the only thing that I can assume is that it is the
> processor. Well, I was told that this was a flaky processor when I got
> it, anyway... it's an Evergreen 5x86 133MHz.
> In any case, I need to know what available options are available as far as
> a journaling filesystem and what kernel version I need to add the
> supporting patch for it... I can't be waiting for 15 minutes while fsck
> goes through and checks my partitions.

You could just turn off the fsck in your startup scripts. With such
hardware you should be used to data corruption by now @)

> So, what I need is such a filesystem that will allow me to run and if my
> computer shits then all I gotta to is wait for it to pick up where it left
> off...

You are aware that a journaling file system makes no attempt at that?


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