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SubjectRe: Fw: Some very thought-provoking ideas about OS architecture. wrote:
> > Persistence is a curse, not a benefit, when applied to these things.
> We haven't found that to be true, and I'ld be interested to learn why you feel
> it is so. To the application, things appear no different than if the connection
> to the device was severed by (e.g.) a network failure.

But isn't that the problem: the application may have done things in a
previous lifetime that caused changes at the other end of the connection
that it is now unaware of.

However, it seems to me that this is no worse than what happens if the
application simply crashes, and in many ways better. Something I've
forgotten about EROS: can an application force a checkpoint? If so, then
I can't see how it can be in any way worse.




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