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SubjectRe: Multitech ISI4608 Card
On Tue, 1 Jun 1999, Michael Dale Long wrote:

> I have been trying to get a ISA Multitech ISI4608 Card to work under
> Linux. I can get it to work under 2.0.36 (RH5.2) with the driver available
> from, however I cannot get it to work with the driver
> for isicom cards in 2.2.9.
> What happens is, the driver loads, and the firmware loads OK. I open up
> minicom, tell it to use the appropriate device. It initializes the modem,
> the modem responds to this, but minicom never prints out anything (it
> normally prints the AT command and the response). I can dial out, the
> modem connects, but minicom never acknowledges this. It is like the data
> is only travelling in one direction.
> I have played around with isicom.c a little bit, it seems like the problem
> is that the interrupt routine is never called. I don't know if this is
> something caused by the card not being initialized properly or if it is
> caused by the routine not being registered properly. I am not an
> experienced kernel hacker so I don't know if there has been a change that
> has caused this or not.
> I have tried both the firmware available from Multitech and the firmware
> RPM mentioned at the top of isicom.c in 2.2.x. Neither work any better or
> worse than the other. If someone knows any more about this, I'd be
> grateful for your help. Thanks.

When you load the module, what options are you passing to it and how?

I have a ISI card that has been working just nifty with 2.2.x...

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