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SubjectRe: 2.3.7-pre6 dies at boot

I just realized that I will never get a log of the oops anyway ... it is
dying before sysklogd starts. After I get some sleep and do some work I
will recreate the problem and try to enter the oops text by hand and see
if I can generate something useful.

BTW, Debian users will need to install the binutils-dev package to get
ksymoops to compile.

It is completely repeatable on this system with the last two pre-patches
(the only ones I have tried) but 2.3.6 works fine. I am compiling a UP
kernel as I write this to see if that works.

OK! That seems to have been ONE problem. SMP kernel will not run on a UP
system. Now I seem to find the system hangs when it tries to start process

Note that the KERNEL is not hung because it will try to switch to runlevel
6 when I do a ctl-alt-delete but reports some processes that seem to hang.

So basicly, this kernel sux so far on a UP system :)

On Fri, 18 Jun 1999, George Bonser wrote:

> Adds swap and dies.
> Looks like the mount process oopses.
> This was an SMP kernel but running on a UP box. 32MB RAM CPU is a 200MMX.
> Compiled with gcc- with adaptec AHA-2940 SCSI and Netgear ethernet.
> would run ksymoops but I can't compile it ... can't find bfd.h ?? (debian
> system)
> Note that 2.3.7-pre5 did the same thing ... I installed a fresh 2.3.6 tree
> and patched it, no change.
> I know this is not much help, would probably be better if I could get
> ksymoops running.
> -
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George Bonser

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