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SubjectRe: UUIDs (and devfs and major/minor numbers)
> Oops, I forgot that symlinks have no permissions...
> And even if they had , it wouldn't work anyway :-(

I can think of a potential solution for this issue:

Create something new which is like symlinks, but which has its own
permissions. Since these permissions would allow things that would
otherwise be impossible (otherwise, what's the point?), a few restrictions
would be necessary. For example:

[a] if permissions are satisfied, you get to act as the owner
of the link for the purpose of file access, nothing more.

[b] to reduce the scope of this card, the directory which holds
the target file must have a special bit which says that its files
may be accessed this way, and every parent directory must have
a different bit which says that this is possible.

This might also be used as part of a scheme to seal up the static
parts of proc.


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