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    SubjectRe: Why khttpd is a bad idea (was a pointless argument about
    > > ftp, even finger,
    > High latency, request per connection design -- not exactly a thing
    > where performance improvements from async sendfile will be noticeable.

    Scalability on ftp is important, async sendfile reduces switching overheads
    and thread count (remember 8K task struct/thread, cache and tlb overhead..)

    > And IMHO the problem with the number of threads/processed necessary for
    > the implementation (that still can be managed efficiently) seems to be
    > so significant now because existing HTTP servers in all their forms
    > have large memory footprint thus causing unnecessary paging when the
    > number of requests increases.

    So you want to solve the "its big" problem with "its big but I stuffed it
    in the kernel" ?

    Apache doesnt use CLONE and VM sharing. That is an apache problem.


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