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    SubjectRe: oom() _still_ killing init
    On Fri, 18 Jun 1999, Urban Widmark wrote:

    >Does Rik's patch also spare the X server?

    I still have to look into Rik's patch, but I just checked that we don't
    have a bitflag in the task struct to account if the task is running in a
    privilegied level (we only raise the two bits in eflags in sys_iopl).

    >Perhaps a special handling of some other processes should be added (init,
    >kflushd?, kpiod?, kswapd?, ...). 0 points does not mean that it can't be

    kflushd/kpiod/kswapd can't be killed just now with my simply OOM killer
    because their total_vm is 0.

    I agree that we should not send a SIGKILL to iopl() tasks. But we may send
    them a recoverable sigbus instead of a SIGKILL, no DoS troubles since a
    iopl task is just able to crash the machine without having to allocing
    memory :).

    Andrea Arcangeli

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