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SubjectRe: FS Unions
<sound of lurker decloaking)

how about ._part1, ._part2 etc...

if you create a file it goes in the primary mount (which does not have a
fugly .dir) but if you want to put it on another partition that has been
"unionized" then

cp foo /bar/thisdirisunionized/._part1

and it will be copied there

cd /var/this...
ls ._part1
would give a list of all files that are from that partion, (ie a subset of
ls .)

mv ./baz ./._part1/baz would move the file from whatever unioned partition
to that particular unioned partition, it would still appear in the main

the whole ._part? thing is a kludge, but it does seem to work for every
possible complication/permutation...

now if only I knew how to code this into being ;-)


Today: Lou Grinzo speaks on FS Unions

LG: The recent talk about fs unions (mounting more than one set of
LG: files at the same mount point and merging the dir. contents) is
LG: certainly intriguing.
LG: Would the feature be limited to two mounts per point? Would it
LG: only allow mounts from the same drive, same partition, same
LG: locale (meaning local vs. networked), or from any valid drives?
LG: How would file creations be handled (assuming all unioned file
LG: space is R/W)? I imagine there would have to be some very
LG: specific rules governing this, e.g. the first mount is considered the
LG: "primary" one and gets all file creations, barring any override from
LG: the user/programmer. (And no, I haven't considered exactly how
LG: such an override should be done.) Or does the location with the
LG: most free space get the new file? Or would file creations be
LG: prevented entirely? (That would certainly clean things up for the
LG: implementation, but it could create severe usability problems,
LG: so is probably not feasible.)
LG: To create a fully-realized implementation, would there have
LG: to be modifications to commands or facilities to take into account
LG: or exploit the fs unions? If so, this might be a way for some others
LG: to contribute to the effort and produce a better integration of the
LG: feature into the Linux environment.

Rahul Sinha ICQ# 9738191 AOL IM: vox deus
Freshman Vice President, UMd Debate Team
Computer Science / Government Treasurer, UM Linux Users' Group
University Of Maryland College Park Enlightenment Documentation Project

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