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SubjectRe: 2.2.9 -> 2.2.10 lilo err
On Tue, 15 Jun 1999, Paul Dorman wrote:

> When I run lilo after editing my lilo.conf file I get the following
> error:
> [root@core /boot]# lilo
> geo_comp_addr: Cylinder number is too big (1106 > 1023)
> [root@core /boot]#
> Changing lilo.conf back to use the 2.2.9 kernel removes the error.

Your 2.2.9 kernel is within 1024 cylinders, and 2.2.10 one is not -- it
just happened that they were placed by the fiesystem there. It's
condisered to be a bad idea to have boot filesystem beyond first 1024
cylinders, and this is why separate small /boot is created by default by
some distributions.

The best (but somewhat painful) solution is to make boot floppy, boot
from it, backup the hard drive (on tape or another hard drive),
repartition it with small /boot as the first partition and root (or
whatever else) after it, then restore the disk on new partitions and edit
/etc/fstab to reflect partitions changes.

Second best one is to add one more hard drive, partitioned "the right
way", and the last resort is a kernel on a floppy.


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