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SubjectRe: 2.3 wish: integrate pcmcia into mainstream kernel
> On Tue, Jun 08, 1999 at 03:09:27PM +0800, David Luyer wrote:
> > > wrote:
> > > > On Thu, Jun 03, 1999 at 11:59:05PM +0200, Pavel Machek wrote:
> > > > > I would really like
> > > > > to boot up monolitic kernel on my laptop and _still_ use pcmcia ne2k.
> > > > Why?
> > > Faster. Smaller. Fewer TLB entries.
> > > Arguably by negligable amounts.
> > Also more secure, or at least less simple to do evil things if broken in to.
> So someone breaks in and is able to either trash module objects or
> run insmod, and if there are no module objects, that person can
> now do less damage?

If the module loading code isn't present, and the get kernel symbols routine
isn't present, it's a much bigger hassle to try and load 'evil' modules as
commonly found in root kits... things like setting back the system clock for
a particular process, implementing a magic signal to kill to set a processes
UID to root, etc, etc. If you don't have the appropriate stuff configured in
in 2.2, possibly they can't even run 'linsniffer' without putting a new kernel
in, but with modules, no problem.

The easiest thing to do becomes to try and work out from dmesg what the kernel
options are and to build a kernel with modules so that their root kit will
work... then try and reboot without the sysadmin getting suspicious... not

So, modules make things easier for someone whose broken into your system.
Sure, once they get root, most things are simple, but why make them even
simpler? Make them have to trojan ps et al the traditional way (and miss
pstree, as always, so you can find their processes anyway :-). If they have
modules, they can hide their process at a kernel level, and ps and all other
utilities would be tricked.


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