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SubjectRe: Profanity in the Linux Kernel?!?!?
* Riley Williams said:

> > Aren't there translations for it, anyway? I mean, it should be
> > that hard to have language strings of some sort and be able to
> > use it. Even without it, most English language descriptions may
> > not have much weight to one who doesn't know English very
> > well... I think that it's a loss that could be accepted.
> Personally, I'd prefer to see Linux move over to having any error call
> a separate module to generate the actual error message, and leave that
> module to sort out the precice wording thereof. That way, it could be
Why litter the kernel with messages? Why not just add error interpretation
to some external daemon - sysklogd is an excellent place to do that. It
would simply parse all kerenel messages looking for, say

"kernel: kerror 00 at 0x0000:0x0000"

then look it up in some erorr database and output the translated message -
and even localized one if you will. Less kernel space, more convenience for
users, and no more such longish discussions as this one. I would gladly code
it, if there was consent it's a good approach.

> However, when I proposed such a system some months back, and offered
> to do the necessary, it was turned down by all concerned, apparently
> on the basis of the loss of performancee that such a system was
> claimed to inevitably suffer from.
If put in the kernel, yes, but in the userland?


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