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SubjectRe: what is the "best" RAID 5 scsi controller?
<> writes:
> Thanks! Mylex is at the top of my list.

I just brought up a box with a DAC 960, and am working on a second
one. Despite some initial problems with drive configurations (you
just can't by high-capacity UW SCSI drives---they're all LVD/SE, and I
wasn't aware there were special terminators for LVD/SE drives on SE
chains), I would do it again in a heartbeat, if only because when we
had occasion to call Mylex, they were prompt, helpful to a fault, and
always regarded linux as a perfectly reasonable OS to be running on
the controller.

Now, I would caution you to *IN ADVANCE* check Mylex' site---and even
contact Mylex---to be sure the drives you are considering getting
don't have any known issues, many seem to have some issues, and Mylex
can steer you clear of the ones that have big ones. Oh, and Mylex
strongly recommends you don't mix drive types on a single controller.

> Are those motherboards with integrated RAID ultra2 controllers any
> good? The one I looked at is a Tyan Thunderbold and has a "RAID bus
> slot" and use an Adaptec 7896.

A buddy of mine has an Asus P2B-S that's might nice, and gets good


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