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SubjectRe: fork() Problem?
Once upon a time, Richard B. Johnson <> said:
>On Wed, 5 May 1999, Manuel A. McLure wrote:
>That said, the problem with:
> if(a=b)
>is that the value of a is not tested. 'a' got assigned the value of
>'b', but only the assignment was tested, not the resulting value.

Wrong. If what you say happens, then the compiler is broken. The value
of an assignment expression is the value of the left hand part AFTER the
assingment. So,


is EXACTLY the same as


>This, as I explained over and over again, is called a
>"boolean test of assignment error". It is a real error because,
>unless the machine crashed, it is always TRUE. This is what
>Lint is complaining about. One needs to test the result. You
>can do this by adding a sequence-point.

If your compiler always evaluates the assignment in "if(a=b)" to true,
then your compiler is broken according the C standard. That and/or your
lint is broken WRT the C standard.

You keep talking about boolean in C. There is no such thing in the
language. In C, the result of the expression (which must be of pointer
or arithmatic type) in the if is compared to 0.

>Regardless of the flames or comments I will have nothing further
>to say about this.

Ahh, the good old "quit while your behind" method. Don't go away mad,
Dick, just go away.
Chris Adams <> - System Administrator
Renaissance Internet Services - IBS Interactive, Inc.
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