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SubjectRe: Oops assist...
> Even more ideal would be to dump the oops to somewhere non volatile over
> a reboot. I'm not sure there are good candidates for this on a PC.

SunOS thinks the swap disk is a good one (for making crash dumps of
the whole system actually). If code in the boot scripts checks for a
crash-dump signature on the primary swap disk _before_ swapon'ing it,
this could be easily accessed (i.e. written elsewhere).

Of course you can't rely on being able to write to the disk when
something in the interrupt path is hosed, but Suns can't avoid that
problem either. Or you write minimum emergency driver(s) just for
pushing a few sectors to a certain location (should be easy for IDE,
don't have an idea how complicated for SCSI).

If you limit the amount of crash dump data to a few kb it probably is
even easier to just reserve the first few sectors on the swap
partition for it. Reading it after reboot becomes a trivial user level


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