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SubjectRe: Ken Thompson interview in IEEE Computer magazine (fwd)
On Tue, May 04, 1999 at 04:50:10PM -0700, Ted Rolle wrote:
> FWIW -- I've heard much the same thing from one of the developers of
> FreeBSD. Instead of killing the messenger, why don't we just accept the
> criticism as valid (and true) and fix it?

Because the critisism is not specific. It he had said: SCSI implementation
in Linux sucks (it does), OK we would accept it and try to fix it.

Just saying it has a way to go may be true but doesn't help anyone.

I appreciate accepting critisism, but:
Just saying, hey let's work on it does not help anybody. Working on WHAT?
Linux has 11 MB gzipped source code!

Saying it's unreliable (and even more unreliable than W*n) is something very
strange, which has to be explained, before i can accept it. Compared to a HA
Unix cluster, Linux might be unreliable, yes, but ...

I'd suggest sb to contact him and asking him
* where he sees the weak points in Linux
* what makes him think it's unreliable

THEN we could start to work on improving Linux wrt to his critisism.

> This attitude of "he-doesn't-know-what-he's-talking-about" is appalling
> and will never produce a quality Linux. Especially considering its
> proponents and the target of the criticism.
> Let's get a clue, smell the coffee, and go to work!

He certainly know what he's talking about. But the statement on Linux in
this interview was not his main point but rather a side note and not made
with too much care. (I don't say without reasons or without knowledge,
please note that.)

Let's ask him for specific problems ...

Kurt Garloff <> SuSE GmbH, Nürnberg, FRG
Linux kernel development; SCSI driver: DC390 (tmscsim/AM53C974)
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