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SubjectRe: Ken Thompson interview in IEEE Computer magazine (fwd)

On Tue, 4 May 1999 wrote:

> I also take issue about VMS. It's NOT that bad!! It's beautiful! If you
> want to see a really broken operating system
<sorry, couldn't resist ;-)>

Now, I want a sample of the stuff *you* are smoking. Maybe it will make me
see the beauty in EMACS, IRS, INS, advocates and lusers ;-)

> > It's mostly unwarranted, pretty bitter and sad, but if there is
> > somebody who deserves our respect at all then Ken *is* such man. No
> > matter how strongly we disagree his opinion. We definitely owe him
> > that much.
> I'll concede on that point. But still...

Yup. I would hate to see SplashSnotters running amok and filling Ken's
mailbox with (ahem) indignant (ahem) replies. As for the anit-MS backlash
- it's a troubling thing. There are imbecils for whom Linux is exactly
that - would-be-Windows-not-from-MS. IMHO we could live without them. They
will eventually go away to pester somebody else (methink their next
target will be FreeBSD), but I'ld rather see them leaving ASAP. Not going
to happen yet. Sigh...

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