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SubjectRe: I2O status and Linux?
> I have some SCSI cards here which claim to be I2O, but aren't being
> used as such.
> I assume such cards will work both with native and I2O drivers? It
> looks just like any other PCI card (+i960)... I also assume I need an
> I2O mb?

You don't need an I2O motherboard for cards that have onboard I2O controllers.

There are two things here

1. Conventional PCI cards driven via an I960 or ARM on the mainboard
instead of the CPU

2. Boards with the I2O controller and other logic on the PCI card,
eg the Symbios FC card I have for development here.

Note its also possible for case 2 to manage other cards. The symbios doesnt
but you might for example have a card with an onboard CPU and interfaces
(eg scsi) that can also manage any scsi controllers on the PCI bus of
some suitable types.

Grab -ac1 build it and

insmod i2o_core
insmod i2o_pci

and see what it reports. If it makes happy noises, then insmod i2o_scsi


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