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SubjectRe: [minor patch] exit_files()/exit_mm() -> NULL vs &init_xx
On Sat, 1 May 1999, Nicholas Henke wrote:

>I have been running your patches, and I have to say that I am noticing a
>imporvment in memory management. What tests should I run so that I may

Happy to hear that. I am spending all my spare time in MM research.

>supply you with info that is helpfull. Thanks

Well If you want to do benchmarks I suggest you to do that over the things
you do with your machines. I tend to optimize the kernel for the software
I use here ;).

So if in your normal usage you do some intensive VM work you can simply
write a script that simulate your normal load, and then issue
`/usr/bin/time ./script` and compare a clean 2.2.7 with one of my patches
(I suggest the latest that [usually] is also the greatest ;).

Andrea Arcangeli

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