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SubjectRe: TTY_FLIPBUF_SIZE too low causing dataloss on too fast serial lines?
> One question though is how is your irda driver grabbing the characters?
> Is it grabbing them all at interrupt time, or is it polling like many of
> the high-speed intelligent serial boards? If it's polling, you *don't*
> to use the flip buffers; instead, just throw it onto a local buffer and
> just call the line discpline directly. (See the Rocketport driver for
> an example of this). Remember, you don't *have* to use the flip buffer
> abstraction; it's a service which the tty layer provides to reduce the
> amount of time spent in the interrupt driver, but you can bypass it if
> you wish.

Question: Since tty_flip_buffer_push just shoves the request onto tq_timer,
is it valid to use a private tty_flip_buffer_push that checks if the buffer
is looking close to full and pushes it onto tq_immed then marks that queue
to be run on the irq return (remembering we have no fast irq paths in 2.2
any more)

In fact, couldnt tty_flip_buffer_push do this ?


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