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SubjectRe: XFS and journalling filesystems
"Jeff Merkey" <> writes:

> Journalling slows everything down because it requires all writes (and reads)
> to be serialized. This decreases SMP parallelism. The last thing Linux
> needs is another slow SMP poor component. I think more is better, don't get

This may be true for some implementations, but not XFS. It uses
multiple trees for FS resource management, so every CPU can just grab
one of the trees and go ahead. SGI does have some nice SMP machines,
and they are aware of the problems with that.

> me wrong. I jsut didn't like seeing some folks go belly up and start
> killing their internal projects (like ext3) just becuase XFS shows up on the
> scene. Particularly since it was a patently blatant predatory move by SGI
> based on pure politics -- so obvious. It's also just another unix file
> system, and comes with all the limitations of Unix FS's.

As long as SGI shows neither code nor license, this point is moot
anyways. But XFS scores pretty well for a jounaling file system, or
just about any Unix file system currently available.


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