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SubjectRe: Where's the patch to 2.2.0?
Hi there.

>>> this might be discusse already, but why is there no
>>> patch-2.2.0-pre9-to-2.2.0 (or something like that)??
>>> My guess that '2.2.0-final' is '2.2.0' was obviously wrong.

>> Why is it 'obviously wrong' then?

>> Q> 23248 Tue Jan 26 01:41:00 1999 patch-2.2.0-final.bz2
>> Q> 10592549 Tue Jan 26 01:41:00 1999 linux-2.2.0.tar.bz2

>> Curious that the patch you declare to be wrong and the 2.2.0
>> kernel tarball have identical timestamps if they're for different
>> kernels...

> So, have you tried to apply the 'patch-2.2.1' to a
> 'patch-2.2.0-pre9'-patched kernel tree (The Makefile says
> '-final')? It produces lots of rejects.

It will, since that's the wrong version to patch from. Based on the
tarball and patch files on the SunSITE uk mirror at...


...I would assume the following to be the correct sequence:

Q> 10534303 Jan 13 22:05 v2.1/linux-2.2.0-pre7.tar.bz2
Q> 199328 Jan 19 01:52 v2.1/patch-2.2.0-pre8.bz2
Q> 10538971 Jan 19 01:52 v2.1/linux-2.2.0-pre8.tar.bz2
Q> 173903 Jan 21 06:42 v2.1/patch-2.2.0-pre9.bz2
Q> 10588011 Jan 21 06:42 v2.1/linux-2.2.0-pre9.tar.bz2
Q> 23248 Jan 26 01:41 v2.1/patch-2.2.0-final.bz2
Q> 10592549 Jan 26 01:41 v2.2/linux-2.2.0.tar.bz2
Q> 22778 Jan 28 20:56 v2.2/patch-2.2.1.bz2
Q> 10610697 Jan 28 20:56 v2.2/linux-2.2.1.tar.bz2
Q> 86608 Feb 23 02:58 v2.2/patch-2.2.2.bz2
Q> 10625888 Feb 23 02:58 v2.2/linux-2.2.2.tar.bz2

> And the diff -urN between
> 'linux-2.2.0-pre9' and 'linux-2.2.0' I had to produce by myself
> (which I expected to find as 'patch-2.2.0-pre9-to-2.2.0')
> is not small, 23315 bytes in it's .bz2 version.

It should be 23248 bytes, as per the listing above...

> And I have never seen a 'patch-2.2.0-final.bz2' !
> ^^^^^

{Shrug} Try the URL set given above, it's definately there...

Best wishes from Riley.

| There is something frustrating about the quality and speed of Linux |
| development, ie., the quality is too high and the speed is too high, |
| in other words, I can implement this XXXX feature, but I bet someone |
| else has already done so and is just about to release their patch. |

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