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SubjectRe: Presenting Linux to the Corporate World
Followup to:  <>
By author: "D. Clyde Williamson" <>
In newsgroup:
> I work for a large corporation (by large, I mean +1000 employees for
> just the IS dept), and have finally gotten my "30-minutes" in front of
> their standards committe to present Linux. This is a Good Thing.
> What I'm looking for is a pointer to resources that I can pull from to
> create my presentation. I've got "The Cathedral and the Bazzar" as well
> as "Managers Guide To Linux" What I'm looking for now is a sort of rough
> roadplan for the 2.4.x kernel etc. Any thoughts on how long before we
> see ACL's, journaling filesystems, Heavy Duty SMP support... remember
> this is for the PHB's.... I'm currently running in our testbed a
> Dual-Processor PII system as File/Print/Intranet for our R&D group
> (2.2.8 kernel) it works fine.

Journaling, heavy duty SMP support, and large uid/gid's are definitely
on the map for 2.4. 2.4 will most likely have SGI's XFS filesystem;
quite possibly even a journaling version of ext2.

I don't know if ACL's are included in that plan.

2.2.8 may have problems, btw, I understand...


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