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SubjectRe: gettimeofday non-monotonic on 2.2.7 SMP
 =>From: Andrea Arcangeli <>
=>Ah!! You are perfectly right, I had a bug in my recover_lost_ticks code!
=>But the bug is really really silly, just look the incremental bugfix:

I remember looking at that exact line, too, but I didn't notice the
error. Unfortunately, my userland prog still detects time decrements
in the 1-10ms range, frequently (but not always) accompanied by
recover_lost_timer messages in the log.

This is frustrating: you'd think that more people would have noticed
this, but some people with SMP machines tried my program and nobody
reported any time warps. Maybe something's screwy with my hardware?
I don't have anything really weird; just 4 IDE disks (2xHD, CD, and
CD-R), an IDE Zip drive on my sound card (SB ISA-PnP), ATI-PCI video,
and PS/2 and USB mice.

Looking at time.c now, I wonder if I've screwed up your patch
somehow. At line 484, I have:

/* read Pentium cycle counter */
__asm__ __volatile__("rdtsc" : "=a" (last_tsc_low) : : "edx");

Don't those two lines do the same thing? (I noticed that you changed
from explicit __asm__ statements to macros/inlines on some of the MSR
and I/O statements...did you forget to remove the second statement in
this case, or did I mis-apply the patch?)


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